"澳門新八景" 全球票選活動 | Global Vote for Macao New Eight Scenic Spots
為慶祝澳門特區成立20周年,讓我們共同選出代表澳門新面貌、新里程的“澳門新八景”! 活動由中華文化交流協會主辦,於2019年1月15日-3月10日期間開放全球投票,大家可以在20個候選景點當中,選出您認為最能代表澳門的8個景點,成為“澳門新八景”,並有機會獲得豐富的獎金獎品!
Global Vote for Macao New Eight Scenic Spots
In order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Macao SAR, we’re calling for a vote for Macao New Eight Scenic Spots that represents Macao’s new landscape and achievements. This vote is organized by the Chinese Cultural Exchange Association. The voting period would be from January 15th to March 10th 2019. All people over the world can vote for their top 8 preferences of scenic spots in Macao, out of 20 candidates. Additionally, those who vote are eligible to join the lucky draw for wining various prizes.
# 澳門新八景
# 全球
# 票選
# 新里程
# 新面貌
# 獨特性
# 可觀性
# 均衡性
# 連續性
# 祝賀澳門特區成立二十年
# 說好澳門故事
# Macao New Eight Scenic Spots
# Global
# vote
# let’s tell good Macao stories together
# celebrate Macao SAR on its establishment for 20 years with various actions